Saturday, May 7, 2011


  Seeing the Mavericks up 3-0 against the two-time defending champion Lakers is very surreal. Like seriously. If you're a Mavericks fan you would understand this feeling. The Mavs are perennial season champions and playoff losers. Whether it's '06 or '07, rooting for my Mavs has been tough on my heart and on my "shit talking" abilities. However this year is different, very different. The Mavs seem to have heart this year, something they have seem to be lacking since Nick Van Exel left in 2003. Only time will tell what Mavs can do with this 3-0 lead, hopefully they can finish off the Lakers and the next series and then bring a title back to Dallas. Something we've been missing since 2000 when the Stars won the Stanley Cup. C'mon Dallas!

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