Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Future of Hip-Hop..

Cole World... 
Update: The more and more I listen to J.Cole, the more and more I get excited for the future of Hip-Hop. Although he may be just one particular artist that intrigues me at this moment, I feel as though he can carry the genre to new heights. However, there has been plenty of artist before him that has generated that same type of buzz. J.Cole can either be Raekwon, and have incredible buzz and popularity, but fail to deliver a quality album or he can be Nas, and relase a classic debut LP and be regarded as one of the greatest. Only time will tell with J.Cole, but I'm willing to bet that he will be just fine and will eventually go down as one of the greatest to ever do it. Although this may seem a little pretentious at the moment, I feel as though any artist that stands out amongst his peers as much as J.Cole does, must have some type of legendary quality to them. 

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