Tuesday, May 3, 2011


  Seeing Derrick Rose when the 2010-2011 NBA MVP award is probably the best thing to happen to the league in a very long time. In a society where it seems as If players put themselves before the team, Rose doesn't follow that trend at all. D.Rose gives hope to a league that has been dominated by 4 teams(Celtics, Lakers, Pistons, and Spurs) over the last decade. As we witness his career unfold right before our eyes, he is changing the landscape of the position. No other point guard has been able to run as fast as Allen Iverson. See the floor as well as Jason Kidd. Have the same, if not more athleticism than Michael Jordan, while also having the burning desire to get better.
  The fact that this is only his third-year in the league and he already has one MVP under his belt is mind-blowing. For Bulls fans, MJ is a thing of the past, as of right now it's Derrick Rose's turn and maybe Chicago has a new superstar to look towards bringing home a title..

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