Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Laker Fan..

 Before this series I heard the different rumors about Laker fans and how they acted but i didn't realize how bad they were until this series. Although a lot of Laker fas are true fans, a majority of them are bandwagoners with no sense of loyalty to anything. They talk the most shit, but fail to appear whenever their team loses. That's cowardly to me. Most of these "groupie" fans can't tell you anything about the Lakers glorious history or even their famous triangle offense. It's tough having an argument with Laker fans because most sound ignorant and can't give credit where credit is due. Let's face it, the Lakers didn't respect the Mavs and that's why they ended up getting swept. Although the Mavs are a great team, being a Mavs fan my whole life I understand that beating L.A. isn't something that comes easy to them. At the end of the day, no matter where the Mavs end up, i'll know I'm rooting for the hometown team and a team that I've loved since the age of 2. Only time will tell what happens next for the Mavs, but I'm ready to enjoy the next series. By the way, Shout out to all of the TRUE LAKER FANS, y'all are great for the league.

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